I have discovered pinterest! Holy amazing wonderful place!!! I am so completely inspired to do all sorts of things.
For the past few weeks, I have been saving various pictures onto our hard drive of things I love and want to try. But to digitally create my own bulletin board with the pictures to remind me what I love AND the websites with directions, etc, how... how absolutely practical.
So, I've been poking around online, finding things to "pin"
I'm sure this won't be the last post on this newfound wonder. I will keep you up to date on what I find, how I recreate it, etc.
But for now, I am in the midst of a project. I am refinishing my sewing chair. The chair was repurposed from its place in our storage closet. And its so functional.
But now that my sewing table is SEW fabulous (ha, love puns):
So, I have taken off the chair pad, added padding and new fabric and sanded down the chair to a raw finish.
I was originally thinking of staining the chair a dark dark brown finish. (Walnut it would be called, maybe?) But with the fabric on, there has been somce discussion around the house about painting the chair white insteead. I'm still stuck. What do you think?
New fabric:
Up against white paint:
up against a dark wood finish. I wouldn't go any lighter than this, maybe a bit darker...