Monday, September 10, 2012

September so far in pictures

Its been busy busy busy around here!!!! I'm happy to report that its a productive kind of busy, but unfortunately, blog posts have been in the BACK of my mind.

So to get back into the swing of things, I figured I would just start with a little picture update:

our wine that we made in May has now "aged" and is being enjoyed. its turned out great!
We got to go to a "princess party" for our favorite 5 year old. I made a Repunzel cake, which turned out even better than I would have hoped!
the boys embraced the princess, "repunzel" theme.
Or maybe Tavis just likes the feeling of having hair again. (They both may kill me for posting these. At least you have photos of the suspects)
Princess Reece had quite the birthday...

And then it was just another week of work before it was time to celebrate my birthday.
And celebrate we did.
To start: A double birthday / congrats on finishing externship party with my friend Tanya.

She did all the decorating, food providing, hostessing, and inviting. 
She even made us these fun glasses to use for our cocktails for the evening
The boys mostly just played video games
The dogs wanted to be involved in the fun!

All I had to do was provide a cake
It was not as fancy as Reece's, haha.
Our friend Katie, decided we needed to have candles for every year of BOTH of our lives.
So 52 it was!
We didn't set off any smoke detectors.
Mostly, we just hung out and drank fun cocktails.

For that reason, Saturday was kind of a day of recovery...

But Sunday was Funday!!!
I woke up pretty early to Pete jumping out of bed, insisting I sleep in while he take care of some things.
And magically during that time, the house got cleaned!
We had lunch and relaxed before going to our friends.
They have kids and a baby and puppies so its always a riot. 
We helped give the puppies a bath
Reece helped dry
and cuddle
Here is my favorite:
Her name is Lola and I think she is pretty much the second most awesome dog ever (sorry, you can't overtake Ursa's awesomeness in 5 short weeks, little)
I'm in love.
So now we are house hunting for a place we can bring little miss home to.

Oh! and I got presents!
Because of Pete and I's love of board games, he found me a completely customizable monopoly board! Its awesome. I feel a ton of pressure to make it amazing though, so I am having trouble coming up with a theme. I'm thinking of going history of town nerd style on it. The more I learn about our fair home town, the more impressed I am.
He also got me this little beauty to protect my poor, abused coolpix. 

Last but not least for the birthday weekend was dinner with the parents. 
My parents and Pete's mom made it out to our favorite sushi place and we got to celebrate with all of them. 

And... yes, there was another cake.
Some boston creme deliciousness.
And a few more much appreciated gifts.

Oh and the Broncos won. I'm not a huge football kind of girl, but I can get behind that.

And now, here we are at the 10th of September having already had quite the month!
I think it will continue to be good. 

P.S. I am happy to report that despite half my post being about how much cake has been involved in TEN days, I am not yet... like huge from it. But I am going through this thinking that maybe, just maybe, some gym time would be a good idea.

Hope everyone else is having a great month too!